You’ve seen me round your streets before
Circling overhead
I’m a vulture that likes to scavenge things
So bring me all your dead.
Wings outstretched I swoop on by
All scruffy and beady eyed.
But I’m not actually a bird
Just a vulture of the verge-side
Nothing makes me happier
Than that special time of year
When the councils asks the residents
To chuck unwanted gear.
I rub my claws together
My creativity starts to bubble
All I see are craft ideas
Hidden in the rubble!
My husband sees me swooping in
He frowns and doth protest
“Please don’t fill the bloody shed
With another damn project!”
With a stalking kind of walking
I glide through all the streets
I keep my eyes looking down
Try spy some tasty treats!
Ahah! My squawk rings out
As I spot some vulnerable prey,
A darling patchwork corduroy couch
In a lovely shade of grey.
I pounce upon a shaggy rug
And some kids chairs good as new
I’ll leave that old stained mattress though,
I have my limits - eww!
My next attacks is greedy,
An unneeded bite to eat,
A gorgeous set of art prints
Just tossed upon the street.
Still, I’m not quite satisfied
So I keep going on my stroll
A coat stand here, a toy horse there,
My god - I’m on a roll.
I think of people at the stores
(As I grab two free bar stools)
Spending all their moneys - HAH!
I cackle at the fools!
We live in a time of excess now,
Our resources running dry.
So when perfect stuff is thrown away
I can’t help but wonder why?
By reusing and reimagining
We join the upcycle revolution
‘Cause you’re either part of the problem
Or a part of the solution.
Choose street over megastore
(and risk looking like a freak)
And you’ll create a style less generic
More quirky and unique.
So while vultures aren’t quite so loved
As the eagle or the wren,
Before you think that we aren’t proud
You better think again!
Where others just see trash,
We salivate with pleasure.
Because the broken and the shabby
To us is pure-gold treasure.
We don’t need more stuff in our landfills
So get amongst our culture
Let’s put this waste to better use -
Become a verge-side vulture!!!